Sunday, October 7, 2007

JPY Survivor : Out Teach...Out Wit...Out Last

This post is inspired by Heather, a fellow blogger & JPY Survivor.

Here we go...Late Night's Top Ten meets SURVIVOR. Back in '93 we had no clue there would be a reality series where contestants would try to OUT PLAY...OUT WIT...& OUT LAST. It is somewhat ironic...these three phrases describe my first regular classroom of 6th grade middle school students. I am entering my 13th year of teaching. I spent 10 years as a regular classroom teacher. I am now an instructional technology resource teacher serving two K-5 elementary schools. I am happy to report that they have not voted me off the island. Below is my updated TOP TEN LIST.

Top 10 JPY Quotes of the Year… Then

Top 10 Quotes from My “Teacher” Life… Now

Then: One of these days I’m gonna trip over this thing and kill myself!

NOW: One of these days… I’m gonna have enough money to take a nice trip!

Then: I love George!

NOW: I love Chuck!

Then: We have miles to go before we sleep.

NOW: Who needs sleep?

Then: What is due today?

NOW: If your name is on the board, your work is past due!!!

Then: I am an emotional slob!

NOW: I am an emotional eater!

Then: Be professional.

NOW: Ive Got it Going On!

Then: The teacher as decision maker.

NOW: Don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.

Then: I have another revised timeline.

NOW: I have another aligned pacing guide.

Then: What’s on your neck?

NOW: Emily, What’s on your neck?

Then: Is that clock right?

NOW: Faculty Meeting…Is that clock right?


Teacher Mom said...

Okay, first I am ROFL at the sticker on Anon's face in the picture! Second, "I am an emotional eater!" ---hilarious! We probably all were back then too! LOL Ahhhh...the memories. :o)

K. Karr said...

Can you tell I got on a roll with the blogging? I will probably not blog for a month now :-)Graduate work looms in my future. I take that T-shirt out every now and again- just to remember all the fun we had

Teacher Mom said...

My girls were looking at my college photo albums a few weeks ago and so I was looking at a bunch of JPY pictures and thought of how much fun it was. Stressful but fun!

Anon said...


That was a blast from the past and yes, I can relate to those "now" statements.

Great read!

Loved the pic!!!!!! (and the sticker) It's been a while since I've looked at college pics. I had forgotten some of the faces from our group.

You're going to be a link on my blog by the end of tonight.

My blog has been taking the back burner since I'm actually a full-time employee this year. Crazy!

K. Karr said...

Anon- Good to here from you! I have wondered where you were in blogland- but can totally understand- how a change in workload can CHANGE EVERYTHING!

Anonymous said...

Those are definitely good memories. It was good to catch up on your life.

K. Karr said...

Hey Shelli- Good to hear from you! Hope things are good for you. I sometimes see a glimpse of you on Deb.W's blog :-)