Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hey Wait a Minute… Chuck is MY Character!

Lately, you may have noticed that Hollywood is using the name “chuck” as a character name in more that one production. There is the Chuck who is the leader of the Nerd Heard. There is some guy Chuck trying to break some curse, and THE CW has a new teen soap, Gossip Girl , that has a Chuck that reminds me of the James Spader character in Pretty in Pink. None of the personality traits possessed by these fictional characters even come close to MY CHUCK!

Let me take you back …to a youth group bus heading back to our church. It was dark and Chuck and I were talking. Cupid pointed his arrow... “Pa-diddle”, Chuck whispered.

*Note:Pa-diddle is a game that requires a couple to kiss if they see an oncoming car with only one headlight.

We looked at each other, smiled, and shared our first kiss. Next thing, I know Chuck is scrunching down in the seat & tilting his head. He said, “You know they all look like Pa-diddles from this angle.” My stomach did a flip-flop, and I my heart smiled because I knew he wanted to kiss me again. What a line! Well, It is exactly 18 years later… Chuck is still delivering lines with great timing, making my heart smile, and filling my life with laughter. He is my ultimate partner in crime. Happy Anniversary, Chuck!

Pictures: Senior Prom… Engagement Night… Our Wedding… Chuck Making my Heart Smile


Anonymous said...

I was trying to make a quick comment since this posting is about me but it's being a pain because I don't have an account!!!

K. Karr said...

AWWWW!Honey,Don't quit!I am sure everyone would like to read your comments!I offer lessons...I would be willing to tutor u ;-)

Teacher Mom said...

What a sweet post! Happy Anniversary, you two! The "pa-diddle" line had me cracking up!