Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Finally the time has arrived!

Yes! The time has finally arrived for me to become an official citizen of BLOG LAND! I have been visiting this land for quite awhile. I have visited various locations over the past few months in this grand land. Some nice places...some weird places... some so special and dear...Some never to return to again...And others- I have faithfully visited...looking for updates. Well, honestly, I STALK ...only reading ...never commenting! Too shy... Sorry this is just a life pattern of mine. It's a reflex.

I was a painfully shy child. Very cautious. An over thinker. Very concerned about what other might think. So when ever I enter a new situation, I tend to revert. I sit back and listen, in this case read, and THINK! I then make quiet personal observations and reflections that I divulge to no one. I then take action once I have my bearings and planning in place... So finally I am ready!

Now, people who know me in my everyday life who read this will probably be shocked by this revelation and think, "This blog is going to be a load of bull!" My "in person" persona does not quite match what I have described. Truth is I have just learned to go through these steps faster, at lightening speed in fact, but the process is still there. I am still that shy "little" one at heart...just call me Lil' kk.

So add me to your blogger links and visit often, comment often, and find out about the Life and Times of Lil'kk and the Fam.


Deb said...

Welcome to Blog Land! Wow, I guess I never really know who is actually reading my random thoughts. I will be sure to add you to my links as soon as I get Jason to do it for me - I also need to add his sister, who started blogging several months ago.

Jason will be excited to have this little link to Chuck, even if it is through blogging (which he hates) and through you instead of Chuck (unless Chuck will make some guest appearances every now and then.)

Will be anxiously awaiting your next post. I try to comment often, but this summer I've been a little lax with my blogging, both posting and commenting.

Happy posting!

Teacher Mom said...

Wow, when I saw a comment from "K..." I thought, "could it be?" and it was! Yea! LOL Hey, we're having a BUSY week at my house with VBS (which is going GREAT!), but I will add you to my links and check back often! So happy to be in contact again! I keep up with Sarah and Anon (can't reveal her real name in blogger land but she's your other commenter's sister-in-law) via blogs too.


Anon said...

Stalkers are always welcomed here in blogland.

Lil' kk


I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!! :) :)

I can't officially make you a link on my page until you've left a comment. It's a personal standard that I've made for myself as I wouldn't want to have anyone as a link that hasn't "shown" up on my blog to "give me permission".

Alas, I await your comment and you will then be a link on the coolest blog possibly. hahahahahaha

....okay, maybe not :)

Glad you've joined the madness!

Did you say quiet.....shy??????



IndyMom said...

Thanks for the writing ideas. I got the kids journals and their dad reads them after the kids are in bed. I'm just requiring a couple of sentences a day to start and haven't had any complaints yet.

Kendra said...

Welcome! welcome! So glad to see ya took the plunge! I need to get back into myself...I took the summer off it seems. this week seems full and busy to me, back to school tonight, Awana on wed. and cub scouts mtg for lil'Chad. He wants to join this year:-) I think it will be good for him. And again welcome to Blogland!