Monday, December 3, 2007

Web 2.0 Fun

I wanted to keep my animoto...but was getting irritated that the music started automatically. Now the reader must start the video.:-) i know you will be pleased! I am! It is a remix by the it has a new look.

Driving lil' Miss kk

Since right before Thanksgiving we have been giving driving lessons. Emily received here learner's permit on November 9th. Chuck was the first to take her out. He first took her on two long Sunday drives of more than an hour. Then throughout the week he would let her drive when he went out running errands. I made the suggestion that he take Emily out Thanksgiving morning before going to Grand Mama's house. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity because most everyone has gotten to where they are going, home watching the game, or slaving in a hot kitchen. Of course I was doing none of the above... I was working on school work! Go figure.

Chuck took her all around the city. She experienced merging on and off of every exit on the major road running through our grand city. Chuck also took her on a major interstate, and across town. Chuck even said,"Hey Karla, that was a good idea for me to take Emily out today. It was perfect" Well, that's me...full of good ideas! I will have to remind him of that the next time he wants to question "the plan" for the day.

So Chuck and Emily, finally arrived home just before three to pick me up for Thanksgiving Dinner. I sat in the back seat of my car, I think for the first time ever, and let Emily drive little ole' me to Grand Mama's house! She did very well, and we got there in one piece. I have to say that she has a healthy fear of driving, but at the same time is confident in her abilities. I know that when I first started driving I was not at all confident. Just another example of how proud I am of Emily and her ability to tackle new situations with ease.

Since Thanksgiving, Emily has accrued many hours driving as we venture out to run errands, attend church, and live our lives. Yesterday Emily and I had our first scary/ hilarious moment. We had made it all the way to church with very little incident. Emily was having some trouble parking, so I told her to try it again. Well, she backed out and decided to try a spot on the opposite side of the lane. She pulled in fine, but instead of hitting the break she hit the gas! We both let out a scream as she ran over the curb up into the mulch covered bank. Once we knew WE were okay, I started I have not laughed in awhile. My stomach was hurting and I almost wet my pants. She backed the car back down the hill. I got out to check the damage. There was none, but I started laughing all over again, as I saw how much mulch was displaced, the mulch in the grill, and the mulch under the car! HILARIOUS! Hey who says mulch is only good for our school playgrounds, it works wonders in church parking lots with inexperienced drivers!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Chasing Dreams & A Haircut

You may just wonder what chasing dreams and a haircut has in common. They make sense in my crazy world. A true haircut...not a trim... can uplift you, make you feel lighter than air, give you confidence and courage. It makes you say to yourself, "If I can change my hair and have a good result, what else is possible."
Now, hopes and dreams come in different sizes and shapes. Some are realistic, achievable, require hard work, and stretch you in ways one can never fully comprehend at the start, yet dreams are not out of reach. Some are fleeting. Many are down right selfish! Others are distracting and keep us in a fantasy world rather than reality. I have to admit at times I get wrapped up in dreaming instead of doing! Dreams can be in conflict. If you dream for one, then you know you will never have your other dreams. For example. I dream about having the luxury of tasting every great dessert on the planet, well if I really want to accomplish that dream then I am more than likely going to have to give up the dream of having a smokin' body! Dreams will prompt you to ask "What will be?, What does the future hold?, What dreams are worth working towards and making part of your reality? Dreams are personal. The best dreams have God's anointing!

I thought it was finally time to stop chasing one dream and turn it in for another! Amputation was going to be a requirement! My long hair had in my mind become the symbol for that crazy dream that seemed to chase me from night and throughout the day. It was not healthy, but I kept it refusing to let that dream die! I kept reviving it... but you know what, it was not longer looking good, it was holding me back, weighing me down. It was not a good fit any longer.

Today, I was ready to give it up! It is weird. I made a hair appointment more than a week ago. I thought I might just cut my bangs, was not even thinking I was ready to give up my long hair. But over the past few days, my vision has changed and I was ready.

I am picking up a new dream... a dream that requires me to have a smart, edgy, wash & wear haircut. My stylist, Maggie said, "You look like a new person. This haircut matches your personality...a little bit fiesty! In the future, you all may want to quote me "All good dreams start with a good haircut!"

Sunday, October 7, 2007

JPY Survivor : Out Teach...Out Wit...Out Last

This post is inspired by Heather, a fellow blogger & JPY Survivor.

Here we go...Late Night's Top Ten meets SURVIVOR. Back in '93 we had no clue there would be a reality series where contestants would try to OUT PLAY...OUT WIT...& OUT LAST. It is somewhat ironic...these three phrases describe my first regular classroom of 6th grade middle school students. I am entering my 13th year of teaching. I spent 10 years as a regular classroom teacher. I am now an instructional technology resource teacher serving two K-5 elementary schools. I am happy to report that they have not voted me off the island. Below is my updated TOP TEN LIST.

Top 10 JPY Quotes of the Year… Then

Top 10 Quotes from My “Teacher” Life… Now

Then: One of these days I’m gonna trip over this thing and kill myself!

NOW: One of these days… I’m gonna have enough money to take a nice trip!

Then: I love George!

NOW: I love Chuck!

Then: We have miles to go before we sleep.

NOW: Who needs sleep?

Then: What is due today?

NOW: If your name is on the board, your work is past due!!!

Then: I am an emotional slob!

NOW: I am an emotional eater!

Then: Be professional.

NOW: Ive Got it Going On!

Then: The teacher as decision maker.

NOW: Don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.

Then: I have another revised timeline.

NOW: I have another aligned pacing guide.

Then: What’s on your neck?

NOW: Emily, What’s on your neck?

Then: Is that clock right?

NOW: Faculty Meeting…Is that clock right?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hey Wait a Minute… Chuck is MY Character!

Lately, you may have noticed that Hollywood is using the name “chuck” as a character name in more that one production. There is the Chuck who is the leader of the Nerd Heard. There is some guy Chuck trying to break some curse, and THE CW has a new teen soap, Gossip Girl , that has a Chuck that reminds me of the James Spader character in Pretty in Pink. None of the personality traits possessed by these fictional characters even come close to MY CHUCK!

Let me take you back …to a youth group bus heading back to our church. It was dark and Chuck and I were talking. Cupid pointed his arrow... “Pa-diddle”, Chuck whispered.

*Note:Pa-diddle is a game that requires a couple to kiss if they see an oncoming car with only one headlight.

We looked at each other, smiled, and shared our first kiss. Next thing, I know Chuck is scrunching down in the seat & tilting his head. He said, “You know they all look like Pa-diddles from this angle.” My stomach did a flip-flop, and I my heart smiled because I knew he wanted to kiss me again. What a line! Well, It is exactly 18 years later… Chuck is still delivering lines with great timing, making my heart smile, and filling my life with laughter. He is my ultimate partner in crime. Happy Anniversary, Chuck!

Pictures: Senior Prom… Engagement Night… Our Wedding… Chuck Making my Heart Smile

Homecoming 2007

Emily is off at her 2ndHomecoming Dance. Chuck & I are sitting at home alone watching TV. Emily looks great in her dress! I especially like the price tag...FREE! I know- Amazing! We spent $56 on shoes, a purse & jewelry. This a bargain compared to last year! Look at daddy's little girl. Notice the body language. She is very much like her daddy! I know she is off having a great time dancing the night away! Be good, Emily!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


It was about this time sixteen years ago that I knew for sure that I was pregnant with my dear sweet Emily. This is a small glimpse into our life with Emily.

Free spirit...Independent...Spontaneous...

Daddy's Girl...
Articulate...Trend-Setter...Precious Daughter...Swimmer...Beautiful...Unique...Intelligent...Writer...
Avid Reader...Confident...Introspective...Full of Potential...

The best unexpected gift from God I have ever received!

Monday, September 10, 2007


As I rested my eyes this afternoon & tried to forget the events of the day, my mind drifted off and somehow I began to think about the phenomenon of nicknames. I began to think of some of the nicknames I have had over the years. I realized there is a lot to talk about when it comes to nicknames. Let me start with some of mine over the years.

My 1st nickname was given to me by my Mexican-American cousins in California. They called me “Casper” because as a new born baby I had a very fair complexion and a no hair.

There was “Speedy Gonzalez” given to me by my 8th grade gym teacher as I struggled to finish the 600yard walk/ run. He proceeded to yell it across the football field!!! Go Speedy!

Both of these are examples of character traits or behaviors that influenced a nickname. These are sometimes complimentary, funny, unwanted, or down right insulting! But as my dad would say “Hey it builds character”

Our youth pastor called me KO-one, my sister Kendra was KO-two (two-two-two) some how Kendra always got an echo with hers, and my sister Kelly was KO-three. What is with initials for a nickname? …this type of nickname seems to be the most consistent type throughout my life.

In college a friend of mine called me Little O… I was short, and my maiden name was long, hard to say, and started with an O.

Now some of my colleagues call me lil’kk or kk… kind of a morphed married nickname.

Do we include initials in a nickname when no other characteristics stand out?

Some nicknames become permanent names. Charles to Chucky to Chuck. People from our past who knew my husband as a child still refer to him as Chucky. My childhood friend Joe (his adult name)…will always be Joey to me…and I told him so…I will never call him Joe! Please! He does not even look like a Joe.

Some nicknames people do not even know they have!! These are usually the names that refer to a prominent characteristic of an individual or the behavior exhibited during a series of events. I was wondering if this really even qualifies as a nickname. Maybe it is more like a code name, or let’s face it an insult… I think all apply.

The workplace seems to create such an atmosphere for these types of names to develop. I had one boss we called “Mama” cause when it came down to it …If mama needed to get after you; she would! But …she would take care of you and love on you, too! I also worked for a pair of bosses we called Eagle 1 & Eagle 2 that soon changed to the Bob-cee twins, and finally to twiddle-dee & twiddle-dumb.

Spouses also seem to uses nicknames or labels for people they encounter at church, the pool, or in the neighborhood. Now rest assured that theses are not close friend, but acquaintances. I am speaking of the spouse who can never remember anyone’s name and must rely or their partner for help. The partner is then required to remember two names for each person/ acquaintance. Now these are usually very private and you would never want anyone to know “their name”, for example, “Oh do you mean redneck, loud mouth, Amazon, or Mr. ADHD?”

This brings me to my next question? Do you have a nickname? What is your nickname that others would give you behind you back? I can think of a few that might fit me lately! YIKES!

I could actually write more about this subject. Like my 5th grade class in an inner city school…almost every one of my students had a nickname…yet another circumstance where I was required to know two names for one individual. I have not even gotten into the names we give our lovers’ or the nicknames we give our lover’s parts. NOT EVEN GOING THERE!!! I could also talk about my favorite nickname; the one we gave our daughter when she was little. We used to call her “peep”. It derived from our love of peeps candy & a reference to ghetto slang.

Overall, I have to admit I like having a nickname (The positive ones.) I think it is because I never really liked my name as a child. In some ways it makes you feel special and noticed. It highlights something unique about you personality or being. Sometimes it makes you face who you really are or creates the drive to change aspects of your behavior. Who knew nicknames were so powerful?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Finally the time has arrived!

Yes! The time has finally arrived for me to become an official citizen of BLOG LAND! I have been visiting this land for quite awhile. I have visited various locations over the past few months in this grand land. Some nice places...some weird places... some so special and dear...Some never to return to again...And others- I have faithfully visited...looking for updates. Well, honestly, I STALK ...only reading ...never commenting! Too shy... Sorry this is just a life pattern of mine. It's a reflex.

I was a painfully shy child. Very cautious. An over thinker. Very concerned about what other might think. So when ever I enter a new situation, I tend to revert. I sit back and listen, in this case read, and THINK! I then make quiet personal observations and reflections that I divulge to no one. I then take action once I have my bearings and planning in place... So finally I am ready!

Now, people who know me in my everyday life who read this will probably be shocked by this revelation and think, "This blog is going to be a load of bull!" My "in person" persona does not quite match what I have described. Truth is I have just learned to go through these steps faster, at lightening speed in fact, but the process is still there. I am still that shy "little" one at heart...just call me Lil' kk.

So add me to your blogger links and visit often, comment often, and find out about the Life and Times of Lil'kk and the Fam.