Saturday, April 26, 2008

Holy Antler Sheds! I am a Mythbuster!

He he he he! I just won a bet I made with Chuck! It all started as we were watching Mythbusters. They were working on a myth that involved a moose. The cast was making observations of a real moose for part of their experiment, but the moose did not have its antlers. SO, I happened to say something about... maybe it sheds its a deer. Well, Chuck immediately questioned this statement as if it were not true. I replied, "Yeah, a buck will shed its antlers." Now Chuck is a questioner , and not a hunter,and totally did not believe my statement. He immediately went to the computer. I stopped him and said, WAIT let's bet! We set the terms of our wager, which will NOT be documented on this blog because trust me it would definitely fall in the category of "too much information." For any hunters out in the know where this is going! I was right! Antlers are the fastest growing tissue in the animal kingdom.
I just had to celebrate this moment with a blog entry, because these moments are few and far between! Special thanks to GOOGLE!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

What Do These Things Have in Common?

Chuck: Deadliest Catch
Karla: Survivor
Karla: Seven Deadly Sins
Chuck: Empire State Building
Karla: Marathon
Chuck:Burt Reynolds
Karla: Black Mamba

They are to topics ,Chuck and I came up with as we challenged each other to an impromptu game of Pictionary on our white paper place mats at the local BBQ joint! Chuck is always thinking of cute ideas to keep thing fun and exciting. It was a fun dinner date! I wish I would have kept the "mats" I could have scanned them if for everyone to see. SHOOT!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kendra, You Were Right!

Just Saturday, I was talking to my sister about one of our favorite shows Biggest Loser and we discussed a comment she placed on this blog...that "I bet it comes down to a pound!" Well, Kendra you were right! Bernie, one of my favorite contestants and one cutie pa-toot-ee, WON the $100,000 prize competition for those who got sent home! He even beat Mark!

Now, let me pause for a commercial break promoting my DVR! It allows me to fast forward through commercials and use it to manage my tv watching in such a way that I can watch two shows during the same time period. This is at this very moment allowing to maximize my multi-tasking! At least that is what I am tellin' myself. YEAH TECHNOLOGY !

Back to TBL! Did you hear Ali was a former swimming champ!? Big deal if you come from Casa de Ontiveros! Finally, we have a female winner! Way to Go ! ALI! So what have you done today to feel proud?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Virginia Tech: We Remember, I Remember

As a citizen of a southwest Virginia community that borders Virginia Tech, this week will hold many memories of the events of April 16 and the memories of the lives lost on that day . All though I did not attend Virginia Tech, I know many individuals who are alumni, who currently attend Tech, or who work at the university. So on that horrible day, it was not hard to find someone who was in direct contact with a loved one currently on campus. Conversation that included, " Yes, I heard from my kids, they are OK." or " My husband is locked down in a building near Norris Hall".

One of the victims of the the tragedy was Henry Lee. He attended a local school system, my former employer. I never had the privilege to teach Henry Lee, but from what I know of him, he held many of the characteristics of other immigrant children I did have the privilege of teaching. He respected his teachers and classmates. His family honored teachers and placed education as a high priority. Henry worked hard to do well in school and accepted new challenges. He like other students are grateful for the opportunity to learn because they know that education will open the doors for having a great future. It is such a shame that Henry's life ended so tragically. Henry Lee, I will remember the example you set. Your were a person who valued your friends and family, knew how to have fun, and yet also found a way to pursue excellence.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Convertible Revelations

If you are a frequent reader you know that during spring break Chuck & I purchased a VW Cabrio Convertible. And for the next week it seemed like everyday was cold and rainy. Now this was not the case, there were a few days that I was able to put the top down. We knew when we purchased the car we were going to have to get one of the seams on the top repaired. So on Wednesday evening we took it to the shop, and wouldn't you know it ...the weather was beautiful on Thursday and even more so on Friday! Friday, I had off from work and had many errands to run and would have loved to run all over town with the top down! Finally the shop called and my dear neighbor drove me to the shop to pick up my car. I was able to do some "running" around with Chuck during the early evening hours. While driving I have had some "convertible revelations" rolling around in my head.
1. I am wondering to my self if I am in fact having a mid-life crisis;and if I am... isn't it a little pre-mature? At this rate I will only live to 70!
2. Driving is fun again... even at rush hour...and even behind ignorant drivers!
3. I love listening to my customized play lists on my iPod while driving.
4. Due to the cold and dreary winter weather, i do believe I was Vitamin D deficient. So my top- down- dose- of-sun has helped bring a spirit of well being!
5. It is important to have a beverage while driving your convertible because you have a greater propensity to dehydration. Sonic's Strawberry Limeade is a personal favorite.
6. I am not as what if my hair is not perfect, I have a CONVERTIBLE!
7. It elevates u 2 a new level as a chauffeur for your daughter and her friends.

Can you tell that I am enjoying myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!